Nutrabiol E® - A health ingredient rich in natural vitamin E
Against oxidative stress
BTSA offers a wide range of health products that contain natural vitamin E (RRR-α-tocopherol) obtained from identity-preserved (IP) soybean oil.
The health products in the Nutrabiol E range are available in liquid (fat-soluble or water-soluble) and in powder form.
Natural vitamin E has powerful antioxidant properties. Vitamin E benefits from a health claim for the protection of cells against oxidative stress.
Nutrabiol E ® is available in France and Benelux.
1. Natural vitamin E in free (non-esterified) form
2. Natural vitamin E in esterified form
3. Galenic forms of Nutrabiol E
1. Natural vitamin E in free (non-esterified) form
Natural D-α-tocopherol is available in liquid form (up to 1300 IU/g) or in powdered form on silica or maltodextrin carriers (up to 950 IU/g).
2. Natural vitamin E in esterified form
Natural D-α-tocopherol is also available in acetate or succinate (powder) form.
The esterification of D-α-tocopherol, which involves the labile hydroxyl group on the chromanol ring of vitamin E, prevents oxidation and extends shelf life. D-α-tocopherol acetate and D-alpha-tocopherol succinate (powder) are often used in vitamin E food supplements and in enriched foods. These esterified forms of vitamin E are hydrolyzed and then absorbed by the body as efficiently as the free form of α-tocopherol.
- D-α-tocopherol acetate is available in various concentrations, ranging from 1300 IU/g in liquid form to up to 950 IU/g I powdered form on silica or maltodextrin carriers.
- D-α-tocopheral succinate is available at concentrations of up to 1210 IU/g.

3. Galenic forms of Nutrabiol E
Nutrabiol E from BTSA is available in three different forms:
- in oil form,
- in powdered form on silica or maltodextrin carriers,
- in water-dispersible form.
The water-dispersible form is made up of natural vitamin E mixed with a food emulsifier. It disperses spontaneously in water with little mixing.
1. Reference nutritional value
3. Conversion table for vitamin E
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced during various biochemical processes (e.g. the respiratory chain).
They can also be induced by certain external factors, such as sunlight and pollutants.
These reactive intermediates can damage molecules such as DNA, proteins and lipids if they are not sequestered by the body’s antioxidant system or free radical scavengers, such as antioxidant nutrients (EFSA Journal, 2010; 8(10):1816; ID 160, 162, 1947)
The antioxidant properties of vitamin E confer many health benefits to Nutrabiol E, including benefits for the cardiovascular system and skin and eye health.

1. Reference nutritional value
Dietary reference values (formerly known as RDA) for vitamin E is 12 mg per day of D-alpha-tocopherol.
2. Vitamin E activity
U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) defines the international unit (IU) of vitamin E as 1 mg of DL-α-tocopheryl-acetate (synthetic vitamin E). Tests on animal models have shown that the biological effect of 1 mg of D-α-tocopherol is equivalent to 1.49 IU of vitamin E.
3. Conversion table for vitamin E

α-tocopherol has three asymmetrical carbon atoms called stereocenters. Chemically synthesized DL-alpha-tocopherol is a mixture of eight stereoisomers: RRR, RSR, RRS, RSS, SRR, SSR, SRS and SSS. The stereoisomers are all present in equal quantities.
Only the RRR stereoisomer of alpha-tocopherol exists in nature. The seven other stereoisomers are only found in synthetic preparations.
The stereoisomers that circulate in human blood and tissues are RRR (D-α-tocopherol) and the “2R” stereoisomers (RRR, RSR, RSS and RRS).
The other “2S” stereoisomers, all products of synthesis, RSS, SSR, SRS and SSS are not retained in human blood or tissues and are thus not included in the definition of vitamin E.
The use of vitamin E is regulated by
- Regulation (EC) No. 1170/2009 amending Directive 2002/46/CE.
- Regulation (EC) 1925/2006 regarding the addition of vitamins, minerals and certain other substances in foods.
Annex II of Regulation (EC) No. 1170/2009 lists the forms of vitamin E that may be used in the manufacture of food supplements: D-α-tocopherol, DL-α-tocopherol, D-α-tocopherol acetate, DL-α-tocopherol acetate, D-α-tocopherol succinate, mixed tocopherols.
The term “mixed tocopherols” covers tocopherol profiles as defined as follows:
- α-tocopherol: <20%
- β-tocopherol: <10%
- γ-tocopherol: 50-70%
- δ-tocopherol: 10-30%
1. Galenic forms of Nutrabiol E
2. The different presentations of Nutrabiol E
1. Galenic forms of Nutrabiol E
Nutrabiol E® from BTSA is available in three different forms:
- in oil form
- in powdered form on silica or maltodextrin carriers
- in water-dispersible form
The water-dispersible form is made up of natural vitamin E mixed with a food emulsifier. It disperses spontaneously in water with little mixing.
2. The different presentations of Nutrabiol E
For edible oils and soft tablets, BTSA recommends using Nutrabiol E in oil form, available at concentrations of up to 1300 IU/g.
For food, powdered drinks, gel tablets or single-dose packets, BTSA offers Nutrabiol E in powdered form:
- On maltodextrin or silica carriers for concentrations up to 950 IU/g.
- Esterified in succinate form. This is the most concentrated powdered form: 1210 IU/g.
For liquid beverages, BTSA offers a water-dispersible form. Natural vitamin E is mixed with an food emulsifier. This product must be added directly to the beverage and requires little (if any) mixing.

3. Stability of Nutrabiol E
The esterification of natural vitamin E (or D-alpha-tocopherol) with an acetyl group reduces the free-radical oxidation of vitamin E. Therefore, D-α-tocopherol acetate is more stable than D-α-tocopherol and is particularly recommended for products with a long shelf-life or stored in unfavorable conditions.
Despite a widespread belief, D-α-tocopherol or natural vitamin E is not a good antioxidant and should not be used to protect food from oxidation. Mixtures of natural tocopherols, with a majority of δ- and γ-tocopherols, must be used for food preservation.
1. Nutrition Claims
According to Regulations (EC) No. 1924/2006 and 1169/2011 foods or beverages supplemented with vitamin E can be labelled
- “source of vitamin E” when they contain at least 15% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) per 100 mg or per 100 ml or per portion;
- “high in vitamin E” when they contain at least 30% of the RDA per 100 g, per 100 ml or per portion.
Annex XIII of Regulation No. 1169/2011 sets out the nutrition information that must be provided to consumers.
2. Health claims
Health claims for vitamin E, in compliance with Regulation (EU) n°432/2012:
- Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress;
- Vitamin C contributes to the regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E
These claims may be used only if the food is considered a source of vitamin E or C as defined in Annex II of Regulation n°1925/2006.